Fruit penetrometers are used in agriculture to determine the firmness of fruit. Firmness, starch and sugar content are used to determine the ripeness index (i.e. according to Dr. Streif). There are analoge and digital penetrometers, handsets and automatic devices. (Source: wikipedia)
UP GmbH offers both manually operated, as well as motor-driven measurement systems for detecting the firmness, which can work both destructive and non-destructive.
Further categories :
Complete Systems
Software (Fruitquality)
Sugar Content
Item number : 25700Cherry-Zipper
Cherryzipper - a mobile device to measure the holding force between fruit and stem. The device is to be hold with one hand, measurements are transmitted to the rugged PDA via Bluetooth. Delivery includes spare battery, charger, carrying case. Measurement range: 0...max. 2000g.
Item number : 26000aFirmTech FT7
FT7 Softfruit firmness measurment instrument Firmtech 7, Hardware (with cherry-turntable) to measure firmness and size of softfruit, stand-alone unit with data-transmission to PC or Notebook via USB.
- optimized for cherries, blueberries, etc
- incl. cherry-turntable and flat measurement-probe
- puncture-probe available as option
- special turntables for plums and blueberries available
Item number : 26011DT25
Turntable for FT7, for cherries, blueberries and similar fruits, 25 round indentures.
Item number : 26100aFirmtech eleven
Lab instrument to measure firmness and size on softfruits like cherries, Blueberries, Strawberries and similar fruits
stand-alone unit with data-transmission to PC or Notebook via USB.
Automatic Datatransfer to LIMS Fruitsoft
optimized for cherries, blueberries, etc
Basic System incl. cherry-turntable and flat measurement-probe
puncture-probe available to measure skin penetration point
special turntables for plums and blueberries available
Different Testprocedures configurable:
- ForceThreshold
- Deflection Threshold
- Relaxation
- PunctureTest
- PenetrometerTest
Item number : 26700GS15
Fruit Texture Analyzer FTA Typ GS-15 with following features:
Measurement range: 50..15000g, Non-repeatability: 0,5%, Speed of probe: 1..40 mm/sec, Maximum fruit-size: 120mm, Weight: 9kg, comes with necessary software for Windows XP or higher, possible to use with ART-Soft-Database or Fruitsoft 7.0.